Founded in 2010 with the goal of organizing the tech & startup event PIRATE Summit, PIRATE has grown into a well known and respected brand in the startup ecosystem. 

Next to organizing our own events, we manage and support the businesses that are part of the PIRATE family, mainly division5, PIRATEx, VisualMakers, Startupjoblist, and Kodo. With PIRATE Builders, we also test and grow new ones. 

We are currently looking to extend our crew. With you?

Either remote, or from our home at STARTPLATZ in Cologne, we offer a work environment that is built around trust, freedom, and responsibility. At PIRATE, we put the human at the core of everything we do. We value people more than processes or procedures. They are not resources nor machines that just “function”. We deeply acknowledge that everybody is on their own journey. The people we serve, work, and partner with have expectations, dreams, needs, desires, fears, etc. So do you. ARRR!